CS 2413 001 Summer 2000
Homework #3 Solutions

  1. Put check marks to indicate the statements that are true for each data structure.

    Property/Data Structure ArrayVectorLinked List
    Contiguous in memory XX
    Can access an element in O(1) time XX
    Length can change XX
    Causes fragmentation of the free store X
    Can add a new element to the front of the list in O(1) time X

    Note: O(1) time is also called constant time, meaning that the amount of time the operation takes does not grow with input size.


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  2. Write the following methods for LinkedList:
    1. insertBefore (Object& target, Object& newObject):
      inserts a node containing newObject into the list immediately before the node containing target, or throws a LinkedListNotFound exception.

      template <class Object>
      void LinkedList<Object>::insertBefore (
              Object& target, Object& newObject)
      { // LinkedList<Object>::insertBefore
          if (isEmpty())
              throw LinkedListNotFoundException();
          if (*_info == target) add(newObject);
          else {
              if (_next == NULL)
                  throw LinkedListNotFoundException();
              _next->insertBefore(target, newObject);
          } // if (*_info == target)...else
      } // LinkedList<Object>::insertBefore
    2. insertAfter (Object& target, Object& newObject):
      inserts a node containing newObject into the list immediately after the node containing target, or throws a LinkedListNotFound exception.

      template <class Object>
      void LinkedList<Object>::insertAfter (
              Object& target, Object& newObject)
      { // LinkedList<Object>::insertAfter
          if (isEmpty())
              throw LinkedListNotFoundException();
          if (*_info == target) {
              if (_next == NULL)
                   _next = new LinkedList(newObject);
              else _next->add(newObject);
          } // if (*_info == target)
          else {
              if (_next == NULL)
                  throw LinkedListNotFoundException();
              _next->insertAfter(target, newObject);
          } // if (*_info == target)...else
      } // LinkedList<Object>::insertAfter
    3. remove (Object& target):
      removes all nodes containing target from the list.

      template <class Object>
      void LinkedList<Object>::remove (Object& target)
      { // LinkedList<Object>::remove
          if (isEmpty()) return;
          if (*_info == target) {
              Object temp = remove();
          } // if (*_info == target)
          if (_next != NULL)
      } // LinkedList<Object>::remove
    4. Two linked lists are equivalent if they contain the same set of elements, regardless of order. Overload the == operator to determine whether two linked lists are equivalent. You should not assume that either list has a particular order, nor that the two lists have the same order.

      template <class Object>
      bool LinkedList<Object>::operator== (LinkedList<Object>& ll)
      { // LinkedList<Object>::operator==
          if (isEmpty() && ll.isEmpty()) return true;
          if (isEmpty() || ll.isEmpty()) return false;
          try {
              Object temp = ll.find(*_info);
          } // try
          catch (LinkedListNotFoundException e) {
              return false;
          } // catch (LinkedListNotFoundException e)
          if ((_next == NULL) && (ll._next == NULL)) return true;
          if ((_next == NULL) || (ll._next == NULL)) return false;
          return _next->operator==(ll);
      } // LinkedList<Object>::operator==

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  3. For each of the methods in the previous question, what is the time complexity? Explain your answer. You do not need a formal proof, nor to choose values for c and n0.

    (Note that n is the length of the linked list.)
    1. insertBefore (Object& target, Object& newObject): O(n)
      The method recursively traverses the list, which takes O(n) time, examining each node until target is found. It then uses the add method, which takes O(1) time, to insert the element immediately before the target element that it has found.

    2. insertAfter (Object& target, Object& newObject): O(n)
      The method recursively traverses the list, which takes O(n) time, examining each node until target is found. It then either uses the add method, which takes O(1) time, to insert the element immediately before the next element, or, if there is no next element, simply allocates a new element and places it after the target element that it has found, which also takes O(1) time.

    3. remove (Object& target): O(n)
      The method recursively traverses the list, which takes O(n) time, examining each node. Every time target is found, it removes that element, which takes O(1) time, because the element it intends to remove is always at the front of the list.

    4. operator== (LinkedList& target): O(n2)
      The method recursively traverses the linked list that owns the method (i.e., *this, which appears on the left side of the == operator in the call to operator==), which takes O(n) time. For each element in this traversal, the method invokes the find method of the other linked list, ll (which appears on the left side of the == operator in the call to operator==), which takes O(n) time. Thus, there are O(n) calls to a method that takes O(n) time, so the total time is O(n2).


    Why does recursively traversing a list to find a particular element take O(n) time?

    Remark: In general, we ignore the best case, because it occurs so infrequently.

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  4. A linked list is ordered if it stores objects in a sorted order based on some data field (or fields) of the objects, called the key field(s). (Therefore, the type of the key field would need to have inequality operators defined.) What would be the time complexity of a binary search function on an ordered linked list? (Hint: what is the time complexity of the LinkedList method infoAt? What is the time complexity of binary search?) Note: you do not have to implement the linked list binary search function.

    Answer: O(nlogn)

    The time complexity of the LinkedList method infoAt is O(n), by the same reasoning as for insertBefore, above.

    The time complexity of binary search is O(logn), as explained in OODS, Chapter 3.

    The binary search algorithm requires examining the kth element of the list for each iteration of the binary search; specifically, k is the midpoint of the portion of the list currently being examined.

    So, each of the O(logn) iterations of the binary search algorithm requires a call to infoAt, each of which takes O(n) time.

    Because binary search on a linked list requires O(logn) calls to a method that takes O(n) time for each call, the algorithm takes O(nlogn) time.

    Not surprisingly, binary search is not a popular approach to searching a sorted linked list, because a simple linear traversal takes only O(n) time, which is substantially more efficient than O(nlogn).

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  5. Rewrite the merge function (OODS, chapter 3) to operate on two linked lists instead of two arrays. You may assume that both linked lists are sorted in ascending order.

    Note: because this question may appear on an exam, a solution is not provided here.


S. Rhadakrishnan, L. Wise & C. N. Sekharan, Object-Oriented Data Structures Featuring C++, 1999.
A. Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, PWD Publishing Co., New York, 1996.

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