CS 2413 001 Summer 2000
Homework #5 Solutions

  1. Given a preorder traversal and an inorder traversal of a binary tree, a unique binary tree that satisfies the traversals can be constructed. Given the following preorder and inorder traversals, construct the binary tree.


    HW5Q1 Solution Tree

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  3. Two binary trees are said to be equivalent if and only if they have the same structure and the same values at corresponding nodes.
    1. Write a method that overloads operator== to determine whether two trees are equivalent, using an enumerator and without recursion. What is the time complexity?

      Answer (based on the solution of Zhengtao Cui):

      template <class Object>
      bool BinaryTree<Object>::operator== (BinaryTree<Object>& bt)
      { // BinaryTree<Object>::operator==
          if (isEmpty()) return bt.isEmpty();
            (*(root())  == *(bt.root())) &&
            (*(left())  == *(bt.left())) &&
            (*(right()) == *(bt.right()));
      } // BinaryTree<Object>::operator==

      Time complexity: O(n), because it recursively visits each node of each tree exactly once.

    2. Write a method that overloads operator== to determine whether two trees are equivalent, not using an enumerator and with recursion. What is the time complexity?

      Answer (based on the solution of Gwendolin Ting):

      template <class Object>
      bool BinaryTree<Object>::operator== (BinaryTree<Object>* bt)
      { // BinaryTree<Object>::operator==
          Enumeration<Object>* e  = inOrderEnumerator();
          Enumeration<Object>* ee = bt->inOrderEnumerator();
          bool returnValue = true;
          while (returnValue &&
                 (e->hasMoreElements() && ee->hasMoreElements()))
              returnValue =
                  returnValue &&
                  (ee->nextElement() == ee->nextElement());
          if (e->hasMoreElements() || ee->hasMoreElements()))
              returnValue = false;
          delete e;
          delete ee;
          return returnValue;
      } // BinaryTree<Object>::operator==

      Time complexity: O(n), because it visits each node of each tree exactly once, via their enumerators.

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  4. Given a binary search tree, an inorder traversal gives a sorted list. Assume that this sorted set of elements is stored in an array named A of size n. A globally balanced binary search tree has A[mid] in the root of the tree, the left subtree is the globally balanced binary search tree of the elements in the subarray A[0..mid-1], and the right subtree is the globally balanced binary search tree of the elements in the subarray A[mid+1..n-1]. Write a method to construct a globally balanced binary search tree from a sorted array A. What is the time complexity?

    Answer (based on the solution of Faron Fullbright):

    template <class Object>
    BinarySearchTree<Object>& BinarySearchTree<Object>::join (
            BinarySearchTree<Object>& T1,
            Object& x,
            BinarySearchTree<Object>& T2)
    { // BinarySearchTree<Object>::join
        Enumeration<Object>* T1e = T1.preOrderEnumerator();
        Enumeration<Object>* T2e = T2.preOrderEnumerator();
        BinarySearchTree<Object>* newTree =
            new BinarySearchTree<Object>;
        while (T1e->hasMoreElements())
        while (T2e->hasMoreElements())
        if (T1e != NULL) { delete T1e; T1e = NULL; }
        if (T2e != NULL) { delete T2e; T2e = NULL; }
        return *newTree;
    } // BinarySearchTree<Object>::join

    Time complexity: O(n), because it visits each node of each tree exactly once, via their enumerators.

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  5. Let T1 and T2 be two binary search trees such that every element of T1 is less than every element of T2. Let x be a value such that T1 < x < T2. Write a method join(T1,x,T2) that produces a binary search tree containing the elements of T1, x and T2. Note that no node of the result of join should point to any node of T1 or T2; i.e., the method must copy every node of each tree. What is the time complexity of join?

    Answer (based on the solution of Adam Heck):

    template <class Object>
    BinarySearchTree<Object>* BinarySearchTree<Object>::makeTree (
            ArrayClass<Object>& a, int start, int end)
    { // BinarySearchTree<Object>::makeTree
        BinarySearchTree<Object>* bst;
        int mid = (start + end) / 2;
        if (end < start) return new BinarySearchTree<Object>;
        bst = new BinarySearchTree<Object>(a[mid]);
        bst->_left  = makeTree(a, start,   mid - 1);
        bst->_right = makeTree(a, mid + 1, end);
        return bst;
    } // BinarySearchTree<Object>::makeTree

    Time complexity: O(n), because it visits each value of the array exactly once, and its recursive calls build the immediate children of the calling node.

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S. Rhadakrishnan, L. Wise & C. N. Sekharan, Object-Oriented Data Structures Featuring C++, 1999.
CS2413 Summer 2000 Homework #5 solutions of Zhengtao Cui, Faron Fullbright, Adam Heck and Gwendolin Ting.