Welcome to Henry Neeman's Dance Hotlist!

Send me links! I add new links and make corrections as I hear about them, so if you want to tell me about a link, send me mail at hneeman@ou.edu. Please write to me in English only, since that's the only language I know.
If you don't give me a URL, I won't list it. I've had a number of inquiries about putting up Web pages for various groups. Sorry, I can't; I have neither the resources nor the time. For those of you who are less familiar with the Web, please note that this site has almost no content, just links to other sites around the world.
Sorry, no stripping links! Please don't ask me for help in finding exotic dancing venues. They are outside the scope of this Hotlist.
Surf the links! A lot of these links have indices of their own, so if you can't find what you want, click on something similar and see what's available.
My former officemate, Tom Abel, keeps a page of access statistics for this webserver. This Hotlist is more popular than any of the pages this server was intended for, by about a factor of eight. Also, weekly accesses to this page have doubled since Tom started collecting statistics in March 1996.

I'm so proud.

Table of Contents

General Dance Resources

Usenet Newsgroups

Note: your local site probably carries few or none of the local newsgroups, but you might be able to convince your newsadmin to add them.

A lot of people helped me collect links for this list. I can't possibly thank all of them individually, but they know who they are, and they have my heartfelt thanks.

Disclaimer: aside from the College Ballroom E-mail Network, the Oklahoma City Swing Club, the Sooner Ballroom Dance Club and the Dancing Illini, I have no formal affiliation with any of these organizations or people, or with any of those listed on any of the Hotlist's sublists, except that I help my friend Shirley Massey with her web pages. I make no claims about the validity or usefulness of these resources, nor do I assume any responsibility for any of the materials they contain. I especially disclaim any relationship to any commercial interests listed here.

Finally, I do not speak for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, the University of Oklahoma, the Center for Analysis & Prediction of Storms, or any other official body, and they give no expressed or implied approval of the contents of this Web page.

Maintained by Henry Neeman (hneeman@ou.edu)

URL: http://hneeman.oscer.ou.edu/dance_hotlist.html

Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000