Henry Neeman

Welcome to Henry Neeman's homepage!

Want to know where I am? Check out my 2019 travel schedule, which includes links to my older travel schedules, which I care about but no one else seems to. Odd, that.


Curriculum Vita

You can have a look at my CV.


I work at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK, where I'm the Executive Director of Research Computing and the Director of the OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER) — a division of OU Information Technology — as well as an associate professor in the College of Engineering and an adjunct associate professor in the School of Computer Science. My office is 3200 Marshall Ave Suite 130 (just off campus), but I'm usually elsewhere.


I've been teaching CS 1313, Computer Programming for Non-majors, since Spring 2000, though not every semester. I also taught CS 2413 in the summer of 2000.

In Fall 2003 and summer 2005, I also co-taught ChE 5480, a course that combined nanotechnology and supercomputing. I taught the supercomputing part (surprise!).

Previous Work

Before working for OU IT, I worked for OU's Center for Analysis & Prediction of Storms.

Before coming to OU, I was a postdoctoral research associate (and before that, a graduate research assistant) working under Michael Norman at the Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics, which at the time was part of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Mike is now at the University of California, San Diego, where he's faculty in the Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences as well as Director of the San Diego Supercomputer Center.

Before NCSA, I served as a graduate research assistant at the Center for Supercomputing Research & Development, which is now defunct.


I got my PhD in UIUC's Department of Computer Science in May 1996 (though officially it's recorded as October), working under advisors Michael Heath, Michael Norman and Dennis Gannon. Also on my committee were Paul Saylor, Faisal Saied and Don Hearn. My dissertation title was "Autonomous Hierarchical Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Multiscale Simulations." You can download my dissertation in PostScript or PDF format.

As part of my dissertation, I developed HAMR, the Hierarchical Adaptive Mesh Refinement system, which is an autonomous, general-purpose structured adaptive mesh refinement system for multiscale simulations that implements the SAMR strategy of Marsha Berger -- now a professor of computer science at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University -- and various collaborators.

I also picked up an MS in computer science along the way, under Dennis and Don. My master's thesis was called "Visualization Techniques for Three-Dimensional Flow Fields," and I wrote it while working for Dennis at the Center for Supercomputing Research and Development (now defunct), just next door to Beckman.

Before UIUC, I went to the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, where I got a BS in computer science and a BA in statistics (note: NOT biostatistics). (At the time, both were part of the now-defunct Faculty of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, but now Computer Science — which has become Computer Science & Engineering — is in Engineering, and Statistics has become Biostatistics and is in the School of Public Health & Health Professions. Weird.) While at UB, I also worked as a programmer, research assistant and lab teaching assistant for the late Beverly Bishop, a professor of physiology. I developed software for running experiments in a neurophysiology lab course, and for conducting research into the relationship between spatiotemporal movement and motor neuron activity in human chewing.


I'm married to Rebecca (Mashburn) Neeman. Our first child was born in late 2007. Here's some pictures. Our second child was born in fall 2009.

I was born and raised in Buffalo, New York and still have family there. I have two sisters. I'm the baby of the family. About my brother Ed, see below.

Some of my free time is spent ballroom dancing. I have taught for the Sooner Ballroom Dance Club at OU, and I'm a former officer of the Dancing Illini, which is the ballroom club at UIUC.

I also like movies, reading, biking and figure skating.

I'm a big fan of spiny echidnas.

There used to be a band in Columbus, Ohio called The Neemans. They even had a song called Lisa. Unfortunately, it looks like they may have gone out of business, since their website is defunct.


My older brother Ed, who I loved very much, died on Saturday August 19 2000. I miss him terribly. We named our older daughter for both him and Rebecca's grandfather.


My father, Moshe, who I loved very much, died on Monday April 6 2009. He lived 90 years and 5 days, and died at home in his own bed, with his loving wife caring for him, after having just eaten a bit of chocolate pudding. We named our younger daughter for him and Rebecca's great aunt.


Links on these pages to non-university sites do not represent endorsement by the University of Oklahoma or its affiliates. None of the content on this or any other of my web pages is guaranteed to be correct, useful or even especially interesting, nor should it be construed as officially sanctioned by the University of Oklahoma, OU Information Technology, the OU College of Engineering, the OU School of Computer Science, or anyone else of the remotest consequence. So there.

Maintained by Henry Neeman (hneeman@ou.edu)

URL: http://hneeman.oscer.ou.edu/

Copyright (c) 1996 - 2022